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2005 Dietary Guidelines
Diet Myths
Eating Disorders
Health Risks of Being Overweight
Getting Children to Eat Properly
Portion Control
Take Charge of Your Health
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Vitamin Reference Guide
What's For Lunch?
Where Diets Go Wrong

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In This Article:

Family Matters

The Food Guide Pyramid

So, Where Do I Start?

What Counts as a Serving?

Physical Activity

For a Healthy Diet, Eat Daily

Get Moving

Let's Talk About Health

You Are What You Eat!

Staying Healthy and Happy

What Counts as a Serving?

Bread, Cereal, Rice, & Pasta Group
1 slice of bread
1 ounce of ready-to-eat cereal
1/2 cup of cooked cereal, rice, or pasta

Vegetable Group
1 cup of raw leafy vegetables
1/2 cup of other vegetables—cooked or chopped raw
3/4 cup of vegetable juice

Fruit Group
1 medium apple, banana, or orange
1/2 cup of chopped, cooked, or canned fruit
3/4 cup of fruit juice

Milk, Yogurt, & Cheese Group
1 cup of milk or yogurt
11/2 ounces of natural cheese
2 ounces of processed cheese (1 ounce is about the size of your thumb)

Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, & Nuts Group
2-3 ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish (3 ounces is about the size of a deck of cards)
1/2 cup of cooked dry beans or 1 egg counts as 1 ounce of lean meat. Two tablespoons of peanut butter or 1/3 cup of nuts counts as 1 ounce of meat.

For a Healthy Diet, Eat Daily

Breads, Cereals, Rice, and Pasta
(at least 6 servings daily)
Breads: whole-grain, whole-wheat, cracked wheat, multigrain, or oatmeal. (Go easy on high-fat spreads like butter.)
Cereals: whole-grain, hot and cold.
Rice and pasta: brown rice, whole-wheat or enriched pasta. (Try tomato sauces, which are lower in calories than cream sauces.)

(at least 2 servings daily)
All kinds: fresh, canned, or frozen.

(at least 3 servings daily)
All kinds: fresh, canned, frozen, boiled, steamed, or baked.

Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese
(at least 2 servings daily)
Nonfat or lowfat milk, yogurt, and cheeses. (Foods from this group contain calcium, which is very important in a growing body.)

Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, and Nuts
(at least 2 servings daily)
Meat, poultry, and fish: lean, skinless, broiled, roasted, or simmered instead of breaded and fried. (Or try dry beans and peas, which are lower in fat.)

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National Institutes of Health
NIH Publication No. 01-4328

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